Laboratory Oxidation Catalyst Coils
Oxidation characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oils (D943)
Determination of the Sludging Tendencies of Inhibited Mineral Oils (ASTM D4310)
Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral Insulating Oil by Rotating
Pressure Vessel (ASTM D2112)
Oxidation Stability of Steam Turbine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel
(ASTM D2272)
Oxidation Stability of Mineral Insulating Oil (IP307)
Oxidation Stability of Straight Mineral Oil (IP 306)
Universal Oxidation Test for Hydraulic Fluids and Turbine Oils
(using ASTM D4871)
Universal Oxidation/Thermal Stability Test Apparatus
(ASTM D5846)
Coupons and Strips
(Ready for immediate use)
ASTM D130-94, IP 154/93.
SubCom D02.05. Detection of copper corrosion from Petroleum
Products by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test.
ASTM D1838-91 SubCom D02.H. Copper Strip Corrosion
by Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases.
ASTM D7611 Silver Corrosion Test
- ASTM D665 or NACE Rust Test
Shipping Information
Orders shipped by United Parcel Services (unless otherwise directed)
from Tulsa, OK. Please view our
Shipping Information page for more details.
Pricing Information
Please visit the C&P Catalyst Shipping
and Pricing page. |